DOTA 2 RANKS LIST The Ultimate MMR Table Sell Dota Skins and Earn Money for free: Sell your Dota 2 Skins on Skinport
View Skins Dota 2 Rank Herald 1 Herald 1 0-153 MMR Dota 2 Rank Herald 2 Herald 2 154-307 MMR Dota 2 Rank Herald 3 Herald 3 308-461 MMR Dota 2 Rank Herald 4 Herald 4 462-615 MMR Dota 2 Rank Herald 5 Herald 5 616-769 MMR Dota 2 Rank Guardian 1 Guardian 1 770-923 MMR Dota 2 Rank Guardian 2 Guardian 2 924-1077 MMR Dota 2 Rank Guardian 3 Guardian 3 1078-1231 MMR Dota 2 Rank Guardian 4 Guardian 4 1232-1385 MMR Dota 2 Rank Guardian 5 Guardian 5 1386-1539 MMR Dota 2 Rank Crusader 1 Crusader 1 1540-1693 MMR Dota 2 Rank Crusader 2 Crusader 2 1694-1847 MMR Dota 2 Rank Crusader 3 Crusader 3 1848-2001 MMR Dota 2 Rank Crusader 4 Crusader 4 2002-2155 MMR Dota 2 Rank Crusader 5 Crusader 5 2156-2309 MMR Dota 2 Rank Archon 1 Archon 1 2310-2463 MMR Dota 2 Rank Archon 2 Archon 2 2464-2617 MMR Dota 2 Rank Archon 3 Archon 3 2618-2771 MMR Dota 2 Rank Archon 4 Archon 4 2772-2925 MMR Dota 2 Rank Archon 5 Archon 5 2926-3079 MMR Dota 2 Rank Legend 1 Legend 1 3080-3233 MMR Dota 2 Rank Legend 2 Legend 2 3234-3387 MMR Dota 2 Rank Legend 3 Legend 3 3388-3541 MMR Dota 2 Rank Legend 4 Legend 4 3542-3695 MMR Dota 2 Rank Legend 5 Legend 5 3696-3849 MMR Dota 2 Rank Ancient1 Ancient 1 3850-4003 MMR Dota 2 Rank Ancient 2 Ancient 2 4004-4157 MMR Dota 2 Rank Ancient 3 Ancient 3 4158-4311 MMR Dota 2 Rank Ancient 4 Ancient 4 4312-4465 MMR Dota 2 Rank Ancient 5 Ancient 5 4466-4619 MMR Dota 2 Rank Divine 1 Divine 1 4620-4819 MMR Dota 2 Rank Divine 2 Divine 2 4820-5019 MMR Dota 2 Rank Divine 3 Divine 3 5020-5219 MMR Dota 2 Rank Divine 4 Divine 4 5220-5419 MMR Dota 2 Rank Divine 5 Divine 5 5420+ MMR Dota 2 Rank Immortal Placed Immortal Placed Dota 2 Rank Immortal Top 1000 Immortal Top 1000 Dota 2 Rank Immortal Top 100 Immortal Top 100 Dota 2 Rank Immortal Top 10 Immortal Top 10 Dota 2 Rank Immortal Top 1 Immortal Top 1 Sell Dota Skins and Earn Money for free: Sell your Dota 2 Skins on Skinport
View Skins Dota 2 MMR Ranking Guide Book Understanding the Dota 2 MMR Ranks
Dota 2 Book How to rank up Ultimate Guide: How to rank up in Dota 2 Dota 2 Rank Season List: Season Start End Duration Season 5 LIVE 15.10.2020 – Running Season 4 19.09.2019 14.10.2020 13 month Season 3 29.01.2019 16.09.2019 7 month Season 2 06.06.2018 28.01.2019 7 month Season 1 22.11.2017 05.06.2018 6 month Sell Dota Skins and Earn Money for free: Sell your Dota 2 Skins on Skinport
View Skins Dota 2 Ranks are connected to the MMR Height: Behind every rank, there is an ELO calculation . In Dota 2 this means, the MMR that is split into support and core MMR is calculated and you get the rank for that MMR number. Update: MMR is split into a single rank with role performance now. By working with this ranking table you can always have a look which MMR leads to which Doa 2 rank. If you want to know how to see your MMR in Dota 2 , check out this guide.
Dota 2 Ranks are Seasonal: After every 6-7 months, a new ranking season in Dota 2 starts. At that time every player has to recalibrate the Dota 2 account . With high win percentages, high entrance ranks can be reached to make life easier. Check out all of our tips and tricks to increase your rank on the longterm. 😉
New Dota 2 Single Matchmaking Rank with Role PerformanceNew Dota 2 Single Matchmaking Rank with Role Performance Ultimate MMR Boosting Guide: How to increase the Rank in Dot…Ultimate MMR Boosting Guide: How to increase the Rank in Dota 2? Dota 2 Ranking Guide: How MMR and Ranks really workDota 2 Ranking Guide: How MMR and Ranks really work New Dota 2 Ranked Roles: Core and Support MMRNew Dota 2 Ranked Roles: Core and Support MMR Calibration Guide: How do I get calibrated for Dota 2 Matchm…Calibration Guide: How do I get calibrated for Dota 2 Matchmaking? How can I see my MMR in Dota 2? (2021)How can I see my MMR in Dota 2? (2021) Sell Dota Skins and Earn Money for free:
INCREASING YOUR MMR: Dota 2 Book How to rank up EXPERIENCED FREE View all Guides Chapter 1 Dota 2 Ranks Chapter 2 Preparing for the Uprank Chapter 3 Ingame Behaviour Chapter 4 How to Rank up Chapter 5 Strategies & Pro Tips WHAT’S INSIDE? What is really needed to improve the MMR and to reach the next level? Deep Insights on how to manage to get a better-ranked player. CHAPTER 1: MMR Basics – Understanding the Dota 2 Ranks To rank up, first of all, it’s essential to know the Dota 2 MMR algorithmn in and out.
Each skill rank, has a typical player behavior to compare with – look into the mirror and change what is needed to change. 😉
Dota 2 Ranks About the Dota 2 MMR Ranks: The Dota 2 Match Making Rating (MMR) displays the skill of a player through a rank symbol. These ranks are seasonal – every 6 month Dota players have to recalibrate their profile again.
While MMR had been distributed into solo and party in the past, it afterwards have been splitted into support and core MMR to guarantee a better role system for the five Dota 2 positions .
Nowadays the Dota 2 rank is based on one single rank with role performances . Everyone starts with a basic score and dependend on his performance the rank will drop or increase .
Dota 2 MMR Table for each Rank: Rank MMR Herald 0-769 Guardian 770-1539 Crusader 1540-2309 Archon 2310-3079 Legend 3080-3849 Ancient 3850-4619 Divine 4620+ Immortal Placed Beginner Guide for MMR and Ranks Dota 2 MMR Ranking Guide BookTo get an indepth guide about the different MMR values, I recommend the MMR beginner guide: In this guide, the complete Dota 2 algorithmn is explained (how the MMR is calculated) , how it works for new accounts as well as for established accounts.
Moreover it’s a great resource to check, which attitude and behaviour each Dota 2 rank from Herald to Divine has! 😉 View MMR Beginner Guide Why does every Dota 2 Player want to have a higher rank? It’s an ego thing. Players want to show the world how great they are. A Dota 2 rank is like the ultimate classification that will affect their whole Dota life and the acceptance & respect in front of others. A higher rank (high is just an interpretation, high can be just more than your existent average score) feels better. It will give you a good feeling about the nice performance in the last matches. Low MMR players (players that lost a lot of MMR compared to their existent average score) often get another painful classification: They are told to play support and that’s the only role everyone accepts – which is just nonsense anyway. CHAPTER 2: Before ranking Up Are you ready? Maybe not. Let’s improve your level of concentration:
What does it really need to win the next match? Before even starting you can prepare a lot to find the optimal starting conditions.
Dota Matchmaking Preparation 1.Set a Goal how much MMR you want to have: Dota 2 MMR GoalOf course, every Dota 2 player wants 5000+ MMR . Although it is not a piece of cake – come out of the fantasy world and try to join the reality. 😀 Even for professional Dota 2 players, it is not an easy task, Dota is a super complex game . A few years ago Sumail set a goal of 8000 MMR , and it took him 11 months, to climb from 7023 to 8000 MMR.
Your rank should fit to your lifestyle: Do not compare yourself with professional Dota 2 players. They do not have to worry about time management, study, job, etc. However, most of you do have to, your final MMR goal should be a suitable rank for your lifestyle: Your starting conditions , like the gaming experience and the available playing time, determine where you will be on the ladder, but that doesn’t have to be the final rank. Through learning, great focus and right decisions you can manage to improve the rank in the same amount of time, but be honest, you can’t climb thousands of MMR.$C5,59577813.html,59577917.html
Write down the starting point and your desired MMR: First of all, write down your current MMR and admit that you have that. It’s you, but you can change it – your new life started right now! 😉 Write down the ultimate goal that you want to reach within 3 months: This can be 500 MMR or 1000 MMR for example. Do you think that’s not enough? It is, the most Dota 2 players set their goals too high and find themself at the same rank FOR YEARS !
Now comes the important part: Split the goal into small milestones , which can be steps of 100 MMR. For a 500 MMR goal, you have 5 milestones, for a 1000 MMR goal you have 10 milestones. Now just concentrate onto the next small milestone and everything else is not important. You will automatically gain more focus to reach the next stage no matter what is happening: It will unleash the ultimate desire to just get this next win and the +25 MMR!
How you should prepare for a ranked Dota 2 Match: Play active-minded: According to psychological research, you can perform any task much better when you are active: If you are energetic and enthusiastic, you will perform much better during the game. On the other hand, if you are tired, it’s hard for you to give your best. Play undisturbed: Do not let your girlfriend/boyfriend disturb you, during a game. Try to convince them before the game starts. Establish quality time: Spend 100% time and focus on your game, and with your girlfriend or boyfriend, spend 100% time and focus on to that as well, it helps a lot. Eat and drink before playing: During the game, everybody is impatient. Grab your food and drinks before the game starts because no one will pause more than 10 sec. Avoid playing with a high ping: The most vital thing does not start unless your internet is not working perfectly. The ping has a crucial role in Dota 2. Check out our Dota 2 connection/ping guide and learn more about FPS in Dota 2 . Have enough time: Do not start a game if you are in a hurry because Dota 2 is a dynamic game. One match can be of 20 minutes, and the next game can be of 120 minutes. Start a ranked match when you think no one will tease you for the next couple of hours. Extra Tip: Skip the last match, before leaving or sleeping: The last match, especially with a limited time frame is sentenced to death, chances of losing this match are much higher, therefore skip it and play an unranked game or do something else.
Never stop Learning or you will get Stuck on the same Level: Do you know when a player stays on the same level and never leaves it? When he/she stops learning new things and stick to the easy stuff. If you do not want to stay in the same bracket, then keep improving yourself .Dota 2 Progamer Events Start watching gameplays of professional players like the Dota 2 International events with a sensational prize pool . It is the best time to enhance your skills, watch all your favorite teams and analyze them.
Before moving towards the journey of increasing the MMR, improve your reactions, use of essential items, and come up with new strategies. Otherwise, your journey of increasing the MMR will shift into the journey of losing MMR.