New World Springtide Bloom Event Brings Color and Lots of Goods to Collect to Aeternum
New World has loosened restrictions on characters per server,making it possible to create a couple of alts or transfer over. There’s also a brand new Forged in Aeternum all about balance, including reflections on Season 1, Fellowship & Fire, and balance changes on the way.
New World’s latest Forged in Aeternum is out, and this time the video features another community Q&A round, covering everything from game performance, solo Expeditions, the upcoming Sandworm Elite Trial, and more.
After announcing several days ago that there would be some new server merges, Amazon Games held a short downtime over the weekend to prepare the servers they will merge. This includes notices to those with characters on those servers to prepare them for any changes and disabling server transfers.
Work is set to begin on this process tomorrow at 9 AM PDT/12PM EDT, for an estimated 4-hour downtime. This round of merges is a small one in comparison to some of the previous ones. Just seven servers will merge, with several being folded into the same new server, leaving four when the work is done.
Central EU
Artemis will be merging in to Nyx Cleopatra will be merging in to Nyx Crassus will be merging in to Nyx US-East
Orofena will be merging in to Maramma
There’s no date announced yet for the server merges, but Amazon Games has announced there will be merges in three regions. Those regions are Central EU, US-East, and South America. In Central EU, three servers–Artemis, Cleopatra, and Crassus–will all merge into Nyx. US-East will see Orofena merge into Maramma, and Amarah and Seer both merge into Lilith. South America will merge two servers into one, Gaia and Artorius.
Overall, this round of merges is small, with a total of seven servers merging into four that will remain. Amazon has said that they aim to keep monitoring the situation on servers using a variety of important metrics, in order to keep populations healthy enough. Now that the new seasonal model has been fully underway for a couple of weeks now, it seems that those key metrics are behind the team’s goals.
When it comes to server transfers, characters made on Fresh Start worlds can now transfer out of those servers to a legacy server. There’s also the option to transfer out into a new region. Of course, there are some requirements and restrictions. The most important is that this transfer will require a transfer token to initiate. If you don't already have one, you'll have to buy one from the store. You'll also only be able to transfer from Fresh Start to a standard server, as no one can transfer to a Fresh Start world.
There are a number of rules still applicable to a transfer, with some extra for regional switches, but the change is that transferring off of Fresh Start servers is now possible.
As for those upcoming server merges, those dates should be announced fairly soon, but it’s a good opportunity to get ready if you’re on an impacted server.
See the announcement at New World.
Settlements will be host to a special decorated event centerpiece surrounded by gift baskets. You can loot each centerpiece once per day to get rewards. Recently, the team announced that based on the Legacy of Crassus event and community feedback, they would be updating event lootto make sure that even though the top tier guaranteed items would be good, they wanted to make the subsequent tier items also be valuable.
Looting the centerpieces will get you a guaranteed Diamond Gypsum if you’re level 60. You can get six of these per day from different centerpieces. Other guaranteed rewards include 1-3 Wispy Spritz and 25 Event Reputation. Other rewards have a chance to drop, and include some Springtide event rewards as well as things like more Wispy Spritz, or dyes.
Springtide Villages will host a pile of party bags that you can also loot once a day, with several 100% guaranteed drops and a 1.3% drop rate special Springtide Pattern. Harvest some Prismabloom flowers around Aeternum and you have a chance at Springtide Tokens or the rare Premium Springtide Token.
All in all, this is an event that is more of a celebration and good for picking up some new loot. You’ll be able to exchange tokens for a selection of additional rewards. Ranking up in Event Reputation will unlock new items in the event shop too. It seems that the New World team is varying event types and loot changes. With Crassus and the return of Rabbit’s Revenge, this one seems more like a festive occasion.
For more details, see the announcement over at New World.
One of the processes the New World team has described before is the way that they set out to make Aeternum feel inspired by historical events and real cultures, but to then follow up and immerse it all in the supernatural and lore all their own. Amazon’s latest Forged in Aeternum video, The Languages of Aeternum, dives into that aspect of worldbuilding.
New World has a Tales of Aeternum lore entry today, “Skye the Speardaughter”. For those already playing through Fellowship & Fire, Skye may already be a familiar character, but even for those who haven’t dived in all the way just yet, the blog does deliver some background to enrich the experience.
Tomorrow brings back Rabbit’s Revenge, which returns with updates, including rule changes that mean guaranteed access to the event loot for hitting specific rabbit-slaying milestones. This change means that there’s a clear goal to meet in order to take home the event items. The change came after community feedback following last year’s many instances of players slaying the invading rabbits by the dozens or even hundreds and never even getting some of the event drops. New this year is the Corrupted Rabbit Mask.,60335071.html
The team also shared a notice on the end date for Season 1. Fellowship & Fire’s season activities and the Leaderboards will close on July 6th. This new date comes after the update and the Leaderboards end date was delayed for several days to get some additional work.
Also in tomorrow’s update, aside from the Corrupted rabbit hordes, are a number of fixes and adjustments. The big seasonal update is already out the door, so this one, aside from the event, is largely about housekeeping.
In the last update, some items got some unintended perks and this update will reroll affected items. This might change their status, and the notes even indicate that some could become Legendary as a result. Keep an eye on your items.
Changes include some UI tweaks, and a number of bug fixes for recently-added features like the Empyrean Forge expedition and related quest, “A Toymaker’s Request”. The quest is temporarily disabled until this fix goes through.
Also getting fixed is an Arena bug keeping players from changing gear while in the spectator box. Ice Gauntlet gets two changes, a fix for Ice Pylon getting stuck in a cooldown state and another to revert a Perk.
Head to New World for the full notes. And look out for rabbits when the update goes live, beginning with downtime tonight at 11 PM PDT.
New World has a new Forged in Aeternum giving insight into how the PTR helped shape Season 1, and how the team does respond to community feedback.
When it comes to community feedback, the team has made it clear on multiple occasions that they are looking at feedback (in addition to things like bug reports) on the New World forums, social media, and on Reddit, or the newly-opened New World Discord. In previous Forged in Aeternum episodes, they’ve done community Q&As responding even to some pretty harsh questions (and opinions).
Yet, this episode focuses on how feedback from testing has impacted the game.Though they do note that even if you give the best feedback and your idea makes sense so much that they plan to apply it to the game, this can take time. It can take a long time.
Aeternum will be faced with another plague of rabbits starting on April 12th and running through April 25th. This year's event will feature a few changes based on community feedback from last year's first time running of the event. this year, every rare drop will be guaranteed after you slay a certain number of these corrupted rabbits running all around, or hopping all around. the drops include Diamond Gypsum, Defiled Rabbit's Feet, Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare, and a corrupted rabbit mask, which is new this year.
The Syndicate is also showing some concern, and there might be something in it for you too. They’re wondering why rabbits might have become Corrupted, but also see the potential. ““So, Corruption can be harnessed for explosives. As ridiculous as it is, the implications are… intriguing.”
Rewards will reset at 5 AM local time, so you’ll be able to earn some with daily caps or once per event. This time, if you slay enough of the Corrupted creatures,you will get the drops guaranteed. This follows the recent Legacy of Crassus event where you’d be able to get a guaranteed Legendary set piece until you had the full set by completing the event.
The tasks and rewards are: